Senior Vice-President for
Loans Management Alexander B. Butic has been tasked to provide stewardship in
steering QUEDANCOR’s corporate activities, given his more than 35 years of
service in the public sector highlighted by his vast experience and well-known
expertise in the field of the Corporation’s credit and guarantee operations.
His career in government
commenced when he was employed as Public Relations Officer and later,
concurrent Field Investigator of the National Grains Authority (NGA), the
frontrunner of today’s National Food Authority (NFA). Working at the agency’s
Ifugao branch, Mr. Butic rendered quality hours of work and dedication to his
profession, which later on earned him a stint with the fledgling Quedan
Guarantee Fund Board (QGFB) in 1980.
Among his highlights during
his stint with the QGFB included being part of the pioneering pool of personnel
who were assigned to the provinces to promote the Grains Quedan Financing
Program. His tasks also included the
inspection of warehouses intended for franchising and also trained prospective Operation
Officers who were hired to further supplement the expanding agency at the time.
Mr. Butic also prepared press and photo releases and conducted media
conferences and interviews as part of promoting the programs of the QGFB.
However, his true value and
essence is imbued in his innate knowledge and thorough understanding of the
intricacies and nuances of quedan financing, thanks to the on the job training
and first-hand experience under QGFB Executive Director Galo B. Garchitorena.
Also known as the Father of Quedan Financing, Mr. Garchitorena took Mr. Butic
under his wing, thus enabling the young officer to witness and learn the
various concepts and ideas besetting the programs of quedan financing and how
they relate to existing policies of the Philippine agri-fishery sector. Mr.
Butic values the importance of private banks to the quedan program, as their
participation means fund infusion to stimulate agricultural credit.
Given his noteworthy
performance in his duties, Mr. Butic was accorded seniority status within the
hierarchy of the organization. He is the only officer to be designated as
Senior Assistant Vice-President with the dual role as head of the Agri-Aqua
Division and Assistant to the Vice-President for Operations.
During his time as VP for
Field Services Department, Mr. Butic was designated as Acting Executive
Vice-President for Operations and Planning, overseeing the activities of the
Credit and Guarantee Department, Planning Services Office and Legal Affairs
Department. Later on he was named as Senior Vice-President for Corporate
Services and then as SVP for Loans Management. His leadership expertise in
manning the Corporation was a premium factor in him being assigned as Caretaker
for the agency during periods of time wherein the former Officer-In-Charge and
eventual President and CEO had to be on official leave from work.
Now with his new role as the
Corporation’s head steward, Mr. Butic is charged with revitalizing the
Corporation’s agricultural credit and guarantee programs that would help
develop the Philippine agri-fishery sector.